System Tables: User
This table lists all the users in your account including deactivated users and service account users (used by the agent). Deactivated users and service account users do not count towards your subscription user limit.
In addition to the common fields, the User Table includes the following fields
A user is either active, “true”, or deactivated “false”.
The user’s email address. This is used for notification.
First Name
The user’s first name.
Last Login
The date and time of the most-recent login of this user. This can be using the login form, a remember-me cookie, or single sign-on. The time zone is EST.
Last Name
The user’s last name.
If “true”, the user is a limited user. A limited user cannot create or edit reports.
The date and time that the user was temporarily locked as a result of too many failed attempts to login. The time zone is EST.
The date and time of the most-recent reactivation of this user. A value in this field indicates that the user was deactivated and then reactivated at least once.
Service Account
“true” means that this is a service account. A service account is used by an Explore Analytics agent and does not count toward the subscription user limit.
Sms Email
This field is not currently in use. It’s intended to hold an email address that can be used to send a text message to a user’s mobile phone.
User status, typically “active”. This field is not useful for reporting and should not be confused with the Active field described above.
User Id
The user’s login id. This is typically the user’s email address.